Take the Challenge

Imagine if everyone decided to read a Psalm or chapter of Proverbs when they woke up before they ever said a word.  Imagine if those reading believed the words they read.  Imagine if they became reflection of the author of those words; a reflection of Jesus.  Lives would improve astronomically.  Entire cultures would shift for the better.

When we align our lives, our words, and out actions to the Word of God then we walk in life in abundance.

Take the challenge.  Read a chapter from Psalms or Proverbs before you start your day.  Read it with eyes of faith, believing they are the words of life.  Align your life to match the words you read.  You are not the one who merely listens to the word, and deceives yourself, but you are the one who does what it says and walks in life abundantly.

Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart.

 -1 Peter 1:22


Share what you read and learn by showing it in actions.  Share your thoughts and insights in the comments.