The World Outside the Church

At the foundation of God’s plan for people on earth is the family.

Our family is where we discover relationships.  Real relationships.  Relationships built on love; the most powerful emotion and motivator human beings have.  Family demonstrates God’s ‘love plans’ to care for, protect, and nurture so that we might be raised up in His perfect image.  My wife often reminds me that the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world; she is right.  The family is where we learn to love, work, and steward God’s blessings. 

‘Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents], Even when he is old he will not depart from it.’  (Proverbs 22:6 AMPC)

This is why Marxism/Socialism/Democratic Socialism and Christianity CANNOT go hand in hand.  I’m sorry to bring the truth to bear on the world outside our church doors, but it must be done.  There is a reason why every government that has implemented marxism/socialism makes the destruction of the free worship of Jesus AND the abolition of the family as its top targets.  

In case you haven’t figured it out God is shaking everything, especially His people, right now and He is not finished.  The grey area most have comfortably lived in is shrinking at an exponential rate and everyone is discovering a side must be chosen;  Good vs. Evil.  This isn’t about politics, race, or gender.  This is about truth vs. lies, and love vs. hate.  The spiritual war we are in the midst of is only played out in the culture we are living in; therefore we see the clash in politics, education, the media, and the rest of society.  Our weapons are not weapons the world fights with, they fight with curses, propaganda, and hate.  We fight with weapons from heaven, and the greatest of these is LOVE.  We fight with the power of the good news of God’s Kingdom.  A Kingdom whose fruit is love, joy, and peace.  A Kingdom whose foundation is RELATIONSHIP.  At the end of the days Jesus will gather the nations, all people, and we will all will face judgment, but the only thing that will matter will be if you have a relationship with Jesus.  He will separate sheep and goats.  The goats will highlight the mighty deeds done in His name and He will simply tell them that they are not welcome in His Kingdom because He does not know them, i.e. no relationship.

There is a cry from heaven to repent and honor the relationships God has entrusted to us.  This starts at home; your family.  It then branches out to your neighbors, your co-workers, your community.  What all human beings desire is unfailing love (Proverbs 19:22).  The darkness and evil screaming today is void of love, and void of life.  The Bride of Christ, the ecclesia or called out ones, His Body is the source of all love.  We are the one’s being called to arise and shine and let the world see the glory and love of God.  We have what the world needs.  They must see it.  We cannot tell them and then live a life that mirrors theirs; a life void of love, void of relationship.  The church for far too long is seen saying one thing and living like the world.  The world recognizes this and rightly labels it hypocrisy.  Our only choice is to repent and live what He has called us to; Love.  The greatest commandment is to love God and the second is to love your neighbor as you love yourself.  If you do not love God you cannot love yourself.  If you do not love yourself you cannot love others.  

God is calling people everywhere to align themselves with His will and plans for their lives.  It starts within; our hearts.  Honor the relationships God has entrusted to you.  Let your life be heard, let your light shine in the darkness.  You are a city on a hill, you are the salt of the world.  You (and His Spirit in you) are the world’s only hope.  It’s time to get in the game.  Quit ignoring society, start relating to it from Heaven’s perspective.


Are you ready to break Camp?

‘Then the Lord said to Moses, “Tell the Israelites to turn back and encamp near Pi Hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea. They are to encamp by the sea, directly opposite Baal Zephon.’

Exodus 14:1-2

One of the great miracles of God was delivering the Israelites through the Red Sea.  As I began to read the account I could not get past the second verse.  What did the names of these places mean?  I quickly referenced the Strong’s concordance and learned Pi Hahiroth means ‘a place adorned with green grass.’  Migdol means ‘tower,’ and Baal Zephon means ‘the lord of the north,’ ‘the destroyer,’ or ‘the evil demon of the Egyptians.’  Well, that got my attention.  Almighty God led the Israelites to camp facing the destroyer (or evil demon) with their backs to the Red Sea.  I pondered this scene prayerfully.  I believe the Lord has been gathering His remnant, like the Israelites, we’re camped facing the enemy’s strongholds with no escape unless God intervenes.  

Today, there is a desperate battle raging over our country, families, and church.  Our call is beyond just individuals.  God is going to shift these dark forces of evil that have been choking His Bride and corrupting our country.  This is not something that can be done by a lone ranger living for God.  No, this requires a mighty move of God to bring us into alignment; unity is our strength.

The place we’ve been led to isn’t necessarily bad, it is adorned with green grass, but there’s also an air of urgency, a sense deep down we can’t stay here.  It is time for a change.  Fighting weariness, crying out to the Lord we watch the enemy, and sometimes our own flesh, taunt us with doubt and thoughts of ‘God, am I ok?  Am I where you want me to be?  What is going on?’   It seems like for too long we have been in the same place.  Today it is ok, but you know the rumble you hear is the enemy coming over the hills.  

Breakthrough is needed desperately.  Something must change in a big way.  His faithful ones feel like they are so far out on the branch that there is no turning back.  He has led us ‘out there,’ defying gravity, floating at the tip of a branch with no where else to turn.  Relying on God.  Directly facing a spiritual battle with the rulers of darkness that must be shifted.  You are not alone.  There’s no way out, our back is against the proverbial Red Sea. If God doesn’t show up you feel like you’re going to die. The good news is God is showing up.  Hear in your spirit His voice, ‘Stand firm and you will see the deliverance of the Lord.’  He does not speak and not fulfill his word. His love knows no bounds. He will deliver us, His remnant,  just like he delivered the Israelites. And you and I are coming out of this so much stronger, so much wiser, with great humility, great strength, and a heart of a good steward, ready to serve the Lord in such a way that people see our lives and know there is a God in heaven who is good and loves them more than they ever dreamed.  The Lord is releasing His remnant as a mighty weapon on this earth to advance his Kingdom in righteousness, peace, and joy.  Shout ‘Victory’ over your life today.  Shout praises to the God who leads you by the hand into the promised land.  ‘Stand firm and you will see the deliverance of the Lord.’    

Are you ready to break Camp?


The Path of Peace

We have so much to learn about God’s peace.  His peace that passes understanding.  Many think the path of peace will be obvious and make sense to them.  Naive, they find themselves caught in a trap of avoiding conflict for the sake of peace.  Avoiding conflict is often wise, except when the Holy Spirit leads you in to face your enemy.  (more…)


The KEY to Heaven

Far too often we seek the blessing and forsake the Blessor.  We seek prosperity, healing, power and forget to seek Him.  Living a life out of order we dry up like a leaf without water.  Oft asking why God is silent.  God desires to bless you more than you do, but will always withhold blessings if it interferes with His good, pleasing, and perfect will for your life.  Most then choose to find a way to meet their needs in a manner more suitable to their intellect, letting their faith and love grow cold.  His presence is KEY.  (more…)

Life may be busy, but busy is not Life.

“Our greatest fear should not be failing, but rather succeeding at things that don’t really matter…”

– Francis Chan

I think we can all relate to the struggle we face dividing our time and not letting our schedule dictate our lives.  I am convinced the easiest and simplest tactic of darkness is to simply distract us with being busy so we do not invest in what brings us life and glorifies our Father in heaven.  There are thousands of great ideas, but we hunger for God ideas.  (more…)


Love God but Frustrated with Church?

You need to find a bad church.  I listen to Christian teachers and read Christian books all of the time.  I love Jesus and want to know Him better.  I recently listened to a very well-respected, loved, mainstream evangelical pastor deliver a great teaching and close with, “find a good church.”  I thought that must mean there are “bad” churches.  I am not talking about cults or quacks.  The inference here is that there are Christian churches that believe in basically the exact same thing yet we view as “bad.”  This is our code language that strengthens the division in His body.  “Christianese” for other churches are repulsive:  “find a good church” or “find a healthy church.”  Which ones are sick or bad?   And why don’t we talk about it?  It’s the elephant in the room of Christendom.
