Have you ever been in one of those situations where you’re talking with someone and they share something that was said about a mutual friend and probably shouldn’t be repeated or even spoken in the first place but they think it is behind closed doors so it doesn’t matter, and worse yet then they tell you not to say anything?
That recently just happened to me at work. In a twinkle of the eye I had about hundred thoughts of how I should respond. They ranged from one extreme, do nothing, to the other, get in a verbal brawl over what just happened. I am proud to say I gently landed somewhere in between. My nature certainly leans toward the edges – verbal brawling or do nothing.
I calmly responded, “You know I will never utter a word, but that won’t matter because a bird will tell him.” My co-worker’s response was that crazy crooked head look like”Huh?!?” I went on to share that King Solomon, the wisest man ever, told us not to curse behind closed doors for a bird may share what you’ve said (Ecclesiastes 10:20). (more…)