Freedom is found in Purpose

A year after the Presidential election that shocked the world.  I recall the heart rendering assaults tearing at the fabric of our great nation.  I have observed Millennials take center stage in our society.  Some say they are lazy – that’s not true but they are not as interested in finding a job as their parents were at their age.  Some say they are misinformed – there may be some truth to that, but I think I could say that about anyone or any generation.  Some say they are selfish – again  there is truth to this but they are not alone.  Some say they are apathetic or cannot be motivated by what should motivate people – this is interesting.  What should motivate people?  The people that say this think the motives of millennials should be the same as theirs – a career, security, and then enjoy life.



Community Redemption Begins in a Home

Everything begins in the home.  It is amazing how much you learn from your home-life, good and bad.  It is great if you are living a life of love, joy, peace, and abundance.  You find yourself in God’s incubator for life.  All of His principles are found, learned, and hopefully practiced there.  That is awesome.  The other side is when someone has found themselves in a home that is broken, devoid of love, joy, peace, or abundance.  (more…)

By His wounds you are Healed!

Healing through the Son of the Living God

I had a supernatural encounter in 1988 when the God of the universe called me into His Kingdom.  I was radically saved and on fire for life, and on fire for God.  I voraciously devoured His word.  I was enamored, intrigued, and excited about His power, His love, and life that I tasted with every word sown in my heart.  I was walking on clouds.  The whole world was changed from my viewpoint.  My eyes were opened.  I believed every word in the bible.  Jesus healed every single person that asked or pressed in to be healed.

The Call – Alignment

“Those who cling to worthless idols

forfeit the grace that could be theirs.”
-Jonah 2:8

I love the story of Jonah for a whole bunch of reasons. It is a memorable story to start with, but what I am drawn to is the greatest revival the world, at that time, had ever experienced. Over 120,000 people turned to God and avoided judgment. The most amazing thing about the whole story though is that Jonah did not once tell the people to repent. (more…)


The Mirror

“No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success until he begins to look in a mirror for the real cause of all his mistakes.”
– Napoleon Hill.

In the 90’s I used to work industrial construction. I mainly was an equipment operator, backhoes, cranes, etc. I remember a group of us taking a lunch break in a tool shop at a plant and a guy said, “Did you hear about the guy selling brains?” “No,” we replied. He begins telling us there was a salesman at the plant office selling brains. We looked at each other with a grin of expectation as he continued. The salesman had an appointment with the leadership of the plant and gave his “brain” presentation. It boiled down to brains at all different prices. He said, “I have laborer brains for $2 a pound, pipefitter brains for $5 a pound, and engineer brains for $20 a pound.” The President of the company asked is that all he had? (more…)