God Can Unscramble Eggs

God can unscramble eggs; think about that!  His power is beyond our comprehension.  He can make shadows go backwards, raise the dead, heal the sick.  There are no bounds to His goodness, power, and authority.  His little finger is stronger than all other strength combined.  I celebrate His might in absolute awe, then I face a struggle to make it somewhere on time.  Oh, I’m ready on time, but my 6 year old daughter is a different story.  I have learned in my family we are only as fast as our weakest or slowest member.  When it comes time to put on shoes I just want to tie them for her, rather than wait what seems like an eternity for her to tie one shoe then tell me about a dinosaur before tying the next.  Talk about frustrating.   I serve a God who can unscramble eggs yet I struggle bearing with my daughter tying her shoes.

When Jesus sent His disciples to heal the sick and cast out demons, He gave them “power & authority” (Lk.9:1).  The power comes by the Holy Spirit working to confirm the word of God (Mark 16:20). The authority comes from being seated with Christ (Eph 1:20-22 & 2:6).  Power and authority are different and most believers live seated with Christ in authority but somehow lack power from heaven and no real answer as to “why.”  This is a difficult life to live.  We know as long as the heir is a child then he is subject to guardians and trustees until he matures and grows stronger, at which time his Father gives him power to go with his position of authority (read Galatians 4:1-2).    God can give authority but strength comes through exercise.  Power and strength go hand in hand.  As children grow they get stronger. 

Strength in the world is exhibited by being able to dominate and enforce your will on others; ‘only the strong survive’ is the mantra of this world.  Strength in the Kingdom is exactly the opposite.  If you study Jesus, then you’ll discover Kingdom strength.  Jesus never enforced His will on others, but rather He bore their weakness.  He was patient.  He understood strength is not about how much you do, but how much you bear the weaknesses of others.  His disciples were routinely exercised in bearing with weakness and therefore were growing in the strength of the Lord.

When I understood this, my life changed.  I am no longer frustrated with opportunities to bear with other’s weaknesses.  I am excited, knowing this exercise is building true strength; Kingdom strength, and this is exactly what I and the world around me needs.

His strength knows no bounds; He bore the weaknesses of all humanity on the cross.  We think ‘be strong in the Lord’ and envision overflowing in Godly knowledge, wisdom, good works, prosperity, and on and on.  All the while Jesus sees us for who we really are; weak little children in need of true strength.  As He bears with us in our weakness, He is interceding we grow up and leave the ways of our youth, the ways of the world, and begin to exercise and walk in Kingdom strength, bearing with others in their weakness.  He is calling His bride to stand up in true strength, seated in authority, showing ourselves to be His disciples.

By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

John 13:35

It is time to walk in His ways.  For far too long we have tried to bring the world’s ways into our relationship with Jesus.  When we are weak, then we are strong; hear His call to true strength.  Rejoice in weakness and watch God move mightily.  It is time for the world to see the God who can unscramble eggs.


The KEY to Heaven

Far too often we seek the blessing and forsake the Blessor.  We seek prosperity, healing, power and forget to seek Him.  Living a life out of order we dry up like a leaf without water.  Oft asking why God is silent.  God desires to bless you more than you do, but will always withhold blessings if it interferes with His good, pleasing, and perfect will for your life.  Most then choose to find a way to meet their needs in a manner more suitable to their intellect, letting their faith and love grow cold.  His presence is KEY.  (more…)

Take the Challenge

Imagine if everyone decided to read a Psalm or chapter of Proverbs when they woke up before they ever said a word.  Imagine if those reading believed the words they read.  Imagine if they became reflection of the author of those words; a reflection of Jesus.  Lives would improve astronomically.  Entire cultures would shift for the better.

When we align our lives, our words, and out actions to the Word of God then we walk in life in abundance.

Take the challenge.  Read a chapter from Psalms or Proverbs before you start your day.  Read it with eyes of faith, believing they are the words of life.  Align your life to match the words you read.  You are not the one who merely listens to the word, and deceives yourself, but you are the one who does what it says and walks in life abundantly.

Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart.

 -1 Peter 1:22


Share what you read and learn by showing it in actions.  Share your thoughts and insights in the comments.


The Believer’s Manifesto (Cheyenne: GooseBear Press, 2018)

Elevate the mundane and manifest dreams into reality.

The Believer’s Manifesto equips the believer to use God’s word and their tongue to bring His Kingdom to earth.  Jesus exchanged what we hate for everything we love.  What Jesus did is truly breath-taking when you stop to ponder it.  He took our rags.  He took our messed-up life.  He took our curse.  He took everything we do not want and in return He gave us everything He has.  We have His right standing with God.  The sin that so easily entangles and drains us of life is what He took on Himself, so He could give life as God intended.

Words are the hallmark of humanity.  We use them to communicate with the world around us.  We use them to create a green house or a frozen tundra where we attempt to nurture our future.  Words allow us to form intimate relationships that shape our lives. Words also shape our silent relationship within ourselves.  Words have the power of life or death (Proverbs 18:21).

The Believer’s Manifesto gives practical, anointed, powerful training in the use our tongue to Speak words of truth and begin to harvest the loving, good, future God has intended.  You are designed to see what the world cannot see.  God is revealing His good future for believers willing to seek first His Kingdom.

With Christ in you, now, nothing is impossible.


Alignment Makes All the Difference.

“Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.”  

Jonah 2:8

I love the story of Jonah for a myriad of reasons.  It is a memorable story to start with, but what I am drawn to is the greatest revival the world, at that time, had ever experienced.  Over 120,000 people turned to God and avoided judgment.  The most amazing thing about the whole story though is that Jonah did not once tell the people to repent.  Not one time.  For three days, he walked through Nineveh proclaiming, “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.”  (more…)


Life may be busy, but busy is not Life.

“Our greatest fear should not be failing, but rather succeeding at things that don’t really matter…”

– Francis Chan

I think we can all relate to the struggle we face dividing our time and not letting our schedule dictate our lives.  I am convinced the easiest and simplest tactic of darkness is to simply distract us with being busy so we do not invest in what brings us life and glorifies our Father in heaven.  There are thousands of great ideas, but we hunger for God ideas.  (more…)


Five-fold Ministry is out of Gas


You can be the most talented race car driver of all time.  You can have the fastest car.  During the race if you pull over and change your own tires and fill your fuel yourself then you are going to lose the race.  You can take elite driving classes.  You can tune up the car.  But that’s not the problem.  You need help to win.  This is a picture of the church today.  Our Pastors are pouring themselves out to win the race but getting further and further behind because they need help.

God has ordained help.

Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.  Ephesians 4:11-13
