Editorial Review for “The Purple Pill”

“Rob has written a masterpiece of wise counsel through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  Discover your God given purpose in life through this profound and transforming message of faith and truth.  This book is filled with insightful words of wisdom, scripture references, life’s experiences, and humble prayers to lift your spirit.  Prepare for conviction and a renewing of your mind as you wonder through the powerful thoughts on each and every page!

“Change is never an easy task nor always welcomed, but necessary to move forward in order to glorify our Father in heaven.  If you are ready for a radical transformation that will leave you fully committed to Jesus Christ, Lord, God, and Savior then “The Purple Pill” will set your feet on the right path.  You will walk away with a fresh encounter of a loving heavenly Father like never before.”

Joyfully Serving Jesus Christ

Marie Stille


This Christmas it’s about value not cost…

Which would you rather have:  an iPad or a blanket?  This morning, eating breakfast with my family, this was the topic.  We are days away from Christmas, and I have children ranging in age from 4 to 11, and we get a discussion about value?  It was interesting and eye-opening for me.  For a moment I was having flashbacks to reading Money Mastery by Billy Epperhart or being in a Wealthbuilder’s conference.  I could hear his Texas drawl in my head, “Ladies and gentlemen you have to understand the difference between cost and value, they’re not the same thing.”  I remember writing that down.  I even remember sharing that with my friends.  I don’t think I really understood it until today.  Someone on social media shares a letter to Santa this morning that says (in youthful grammar), “Dear Santa, I have been good.  I would like a ball and some food.  I need a blanket.” (more…)

Life is Attracted

Have you ever been in one of those situations where you’re talking with someone and they share something that was said about a mutual friend and probably shouldn’t be repeated or even spoken in the first place but they think it is behind closed doors so it doesn’t matter, and worse yet then they tell you not to say anything?
That recently just happened to me at work.  In a twinkle of the eye I had about hundred thoughts of how I should respond.  They ranged from one extreme, do nothing, to the other, get in a verbal brawl over what just happened.  I am proud to say I gently landed somewhere in between.  My nature certainly leans toward the edges – verbal brawling or do nothing.

I calmly responded, “You know I will never utter a word, but that won’t matter because a bird will tell him.”    My co-worker’s response was that crazy crooked head look like”Huh?!?”  I went on to share that King Solomon, the wisest man ever, told us not to curse behind closed doors for a bird may share what you’ve said (Ecclesiastes 10:20). (more…)


The Purple Pill: God’s call to His bride to make herself ready. (Cheyenne Wyoming: GooseBear Press, 2017)

Align and fulfill your part in the greatest revival the world has ever seen. It is time for the plans, gifts, and purpose God has knit in our hearts to be activated and called out. Our loving Heavenly Father gently raises a mirror so we can see a clear reflection of ourselves in light of His truth. Through the lens of life we see our reflection and He reveals what He sees, our true self. He always sees what’s in His heart for you, that is what you will be. In the midst of this the enemy, void of power unless we yield it to him, comes bending and twisting the mirror of truth seeking to steal, kill, and destroy. As we fit the armor of God on and begin to wield the sword of the Spirit we find it awkward and clunky at first, but with the Spirit’s help it begins to feel natural as we join Him in a beautiful waltz, we ebb and flow with the rhythms of His grace. Glancing toward our past we see one victory after another as we pursue the call God has put on our life. Test after test purifies our hearts. Our reflection is beginning to look a whole lot like Jesus. Discovering our purpose, since the creation of the world, we walk with a true heart of stewardship for all things are ours and all things are His. In His time, in His order, His call is evidenced in our daily life, bringing the Kingdom of God to earth, as it ought to be.


Freedom is found in Purpose

A year after the Presidential election that shocked the world.  I recall the heart rendering assaults tearing at the fabric of our great nation.  I have observed Millennials take center stage in our society.  Some say they are lazy – that’s not true but they are not as interested in finding a job as their parents were at their age.  Some say they are misinformed – there may be some truth to that, but I think I could say that about anyone or any generation.  Some say they are selfish – again  there is truth to this but they are not alone.  Some say they are apathetic or cannot be motivated by what should motivate people – this is interesting.  What should motivate people?  The people that say this think the motives of millennials should be the same as theirs – a career, security, and then enjoy life.



Community Redemption Begins in a Home

Everything begins in the home.  It is amazing how much you learn from your home-life, good and bad.  It is great if you are living a life of love, joy, peace, and abundance.  You find yourself in God’s incubator for life.  All of His principles are found, learned, and hopefully practiced there.  That is awesome.  The other side is when someone has found themselves in a home that is broken, devoid of love, joy, peace, or abundance.  (more…)