“I will do anything ….”

I woke up this morning with a strange song playing in my mind over and over.  You may remember the 90’s number one hit by Meatloaf, “I will do anything for love, but I won’t do that.”  It was over and over.  Waking up with this strange song repeating in my head I began my normal morning.  I’ve been reading through Exodus, so I pick up where I left off.  I hope you’re familiar with the highlights; God delivers the Israelites out of bondage and they were given gold, silver, clothing by the Egyptians.  He then led them through the Red Sea and the enemy army pursuing them is completely destroyed.  Pretty impressive and miraculous experiences.  God then leads them into the desert and after turning the bitter water sweet He gives them a decree, a law and He tested them.  As I read His decree it was like words stood out; 

Listen Carefully

Do What is Right

Pay Attention

Keep His Decrees

He said, “If you listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD , who heals you.”   – Exodus 15:26 (emphasis mine)

Anytime we receive a directive, revelation, or word from the Lord we can expect, as the Israelites were, to be tested.  We will find ourselves in a situation that proves by our actions and words what we believe.  God always gives us opportunities to see our heart.  Do we say the right thing, or do we DO the right thing?  The Israelites walk through miraculous deliverance singing and praising God, rest at an oasis, then in the desert chose not to listen, or do what was right, or pay attention to His commands.  They grumbled and failed the test.

As I pondered this, I couldn’t help but question how often I say the right thing yet find myself in the heat of the battle, the test, and do something else.  It’s easy to justify looking at others, but the Holy Spirit gently whispers, “Listen Carefully to what I say, Do What is Right, Pay Attention.”  It’s the little things we must prove faithful in, then He can trust us with bigger.  I know God is love (1 John 4:8), and I trust Him.  I choose to pass the tests of life and walk in the grace Jesus provides.  I am changing the song in my head, by the grace of God I say, “I will do anything for love period.”  How about you?

"Living my purpose encouraging you to find yours - Investing in People."

Follower of Jesus, bringing living water to dry ground. Along the lines of Gideon Rob believes many others are more qualified to share God's heart, but once again God chooses the weak and the foolish things of the world to share His glory.

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