You need to find a bad church. I listen to Christian teachers and read Christian books all of the time. I love Jesus and want to know Him better. I recently listened to a very well-respected, loved, mainstream evangelical pastor deliver a great teaching and close with, “find a good church.” I thought that must mean there are “bad” churches. I am not talking about cults or quacks. The inference here is that there are Christian churches that believe in basically the exact same thing yet we view as “bad.” This is our code language that strengthens the division in His body. “Christianese” for other churches are repulsive: “find a good church” or “find a healthy church.” Which ones are sick or bad? And why don’t we talk about it? It’s the elephant in the room of Christendom.
Newsflash: there is only one church. I know the adversary wants to pit believers against believers but that is not God’s heart. The reality, we must quit ignoring, is that when one part suffers we all suffer. If there is a “bad” church out there then it is us. There is no “them.”
I propose that everyone out there that’s not the problem, a person who knows the love of God, is born again, and rooted in a good church, LEAVE and go find a bad church. Let God transform it into a good church. I am being silly for a good reason. It is ludicrous for us to believe that there is such a thing as a good church and a bad church. It is like a man who looks at his gangrene toe the doctors want to cut off and, wiping his brow with a sigh of relief, saying, “I’m glad that’s not me.” It is you! If one part is bad then it affects the whole body.
I have four children ranging in age from four to eleven. When we get ready to go somewhere the call goes out for everyone to get ready. This usually involves putting on shoes and socks appropriate for the trip, like church or fishing. I’ve put shoes and socks on just about everyday for close to fifty years. It’s easy for me, but my four-year old daughter is still learning. Usually everyone is ready and she will still be in process of getting her shoes on and may even need help. You know when we leave? We don’t leave when I’m ready. We don’t leave when five out of six of us is ready. We leave when she’s ready. I am only as fast as the slowest member of my family and the church is only as good as least of these.
Next time you hear, “find a good church,” please reflect on the truth that we are all part of one body.
If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
– 1 Corinthians 12:26
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