I believe the quandary older generations are in over younger people is more related to millennials seeing the problems with what their parents valued and ordered their lives by. There is truth being uncovered here but not embraced by both generations.
Most people would like you to change because it makes them happy.
That’s great for them, but for you it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Millennials would rather not go with the expected flow and smile all the while they have this bad taste in their mouth and know, in their heart, something is wrong. They have decided to try to find out. They are not pursuing a career but rather a relationship, much more interested in a family and personal interests first. Elders shake their head screaming this is out of order while millennials know that their job may help them eat but it is not going to quench that deep desire to find where they fit in this journey of life.
Interesting this generation, like their parents, wants to find fulfillment but they are pretty sure their parents way doesn’t work. I think they have uncovered a truth that is ignored. Not only ignored but then labeled as lazy or apathetic. Isn’t funny how we want to tear down others that don’t ratify our beliefs and validate ourselves. Not comically funny, but odd, isn’t it? Our, yours, or anyone’s view should be one of asking why they don’t agree with us. What if they are right? Should I just keep on going and call them names, and hate them hoping they will one day agree with me? If they are right, if they have uncovered a truth that i have missed, wouldn’t I want to know that instead of distancing myself in a huff of ignorance?
Is it possible we all have something to learn from each other?
I believe the confusion comes because it is our nature to believe that we’re right. If you don’t think so just ask yourself what you’re believing that is wrong? Well? If you believed anything that you thought was wrong you would no longer believe it, would you? Let me use history to illustrate. Back in the day the common belief was the earth was flat. That is a wrong belief that we can find amusing now, but the whole world believed it. Galileo lived around the year 1600 A.D., and was a mathematician and an astronomer. He, by use of a telescope, proved the theory Copernicus published a hundred years earlier that the earth was round. The people thought he was crazy. In fact he underwent a Roman Inquisition in 1615, they said it was impossible because it contradicts the Bible! He was right, the earth is round and, oh by the way, it doesn’t contradict the Bible. It contradicted what they believed.
Observing the generation gap in light of our Galileo lens it is easy to see we all need to consider maybe we don’t have it figured out. Maybe, just maybe, the millennials want to honor the quest to live a life of fulfillment and the first step is not finding a career job and working towards retirement, although there is certainly a lot of wisdom in working and having a foundation of security in order to live a fulfilling life. The most damage is played out over a life that only has part of the truth. In fact having the whole truth and living it in the wrong order is just as damaging.
I think the heartfelt desire to do or be part of something bigger than themselves is a cry to discover purpose. The cry of “get a job” is a cry to live in the right order.
We all are born with blind spots. Places in our lives that we are blind to and in need of truth. As much as I want to think I’m right about everything, I know I am still learning. I know when I see truth that I don’t line up with, then I need to change. Truth isn’t going to change to make me or you feel better. I can readily see other people’s blind spots and so can you. I can only share what I see with someone if they trust me. God uses people and He loves us. He gave us the Bible as our standard of truth. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. God knew us before the world was made. He knit you together in your mother’s womb. He has plans to for you. You were created for a purpose. You will never live a fulfilling life just hoping to stumble on to that purpose. You have to pursue it.
God knit that desire to fulfill your purpose into your heart. Your hunger for relationship and purpose is not found in any good cause or good career. It is only found in fulfilling your destiny, what God created you to do at this time in history. God is not a light thinker. He has specific, detailed plans for you. You are energized when you are living your purpose. You are frustrated and searching when you are not. Instead of screaming or rioting because someone does not agree with you, I would suggest you step back and consider their viewpoint. They may have a grain of truth you need. God is desperately trying to help you find and fulfill your purpose because He loves you and wants the best for you. The forces of evil lie to you saying that happiness is found in trying to quench the cries of your flesh. You were made in God’s image. Your happiness depends on finding and fulfilling God’s will for your life. I have found my purpose and want to help you find yours. I look forward to your comments and questions. God bless you!
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.